OFF LEASH : A Substack newsletter, by a sober seamstress

This has been barkin’ in my brain for sometime now. I’ve needed a space where I can feel free to write about the in’s and outs of owning a small business, sobriety, and much more. I tend to feel overly exposed and anxious after posting personal things on social media. Funneling personal life into a bi-weekly newsletter seems to be the right move. This newsletter will be woven together with my film photos, book recommendations, playlists, thoughts and experiences.

I chose the name OFF LEASH for my Substack because it seems fitting. I know my dogs feel the most free off leash and that is what I crave with writing. I want to write for the people who want to read it, in the way that I need to. While I’ve never considered writing to be one of my strong suits, the only way to get better at writing, is to write! I know I have so much to offer through this newsletter. Sharing experiences is a great way of connecting with others and I intend on being open and honest with my truths. I am still learning how to navigate this platform, but I am dedicated to my writing practice & I think thats a good start. Thanks for following along!

-Taylor, Howdy & Gravy